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Halloween Costumes

Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day Live! is an annual event hosted by Smithsonian Media.  Each of the museums listed below will participate on Saturday, September 27, 2014. View the list below for just museum names and the list to the left for name, address and hours on Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day Live!

Tickets must be printed/downloaded from the Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day Live! site.  Get your tickets early as the site becomes very busy on the Friday before. Also some museums will accept your ticket on your smart device.  So save a tree!

Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day Live! Museums in the SF Bay Area

Monterey to Petaluma

Angels Camp Museum

Bay Area Discovery Museum

Bedford Gallery

Blackhawk Museum

California Historical Society

Chinese Historical Society of  America  

Clark Center for Japanese Art & Culture

de Young Museum

Hiller Aviation Museum

Lace Museum

Lacis Museum of Lace and Textiles

Legion of Honor

Lindsay Wildlife Museum

Maidu Museum & Historic Site

Mexican Museum   (The)

Moffett Field Historical Society Museum

Monterey County Youth Museum (MY Museum)
Museum on Main

Petaluma Wildlife & Natural Science Museum

San Jose Museum of Art

San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles

Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum

Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day Live!, September 27, 2014

Tags: @MuseumDay, #MuseumDayLive!,   Museum Day Live! Descriptions