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Maker Faire Dates and Hours:

May 17, 2014 10 am - 8 pm
May 18, 2014 10 am - 6 pm


San Mateo County Events Center
1346 Saratoga Drive San Mateo, CA 94403

Admission: (On line):
Must be purchased by May 16.

Adults (21+) $32.50 day, $60 weekend
Students (13 - 21) $22.50 day, $40 weekend
Youth (4-12) $17.50 day, $30 weekend
Kids (3 and under) Free
Parking $10 - $20

Ticket Discounts:

Sunday Family Pass $100 for 5 people.  Must be purchased online by May 16th and is good for entry on Sunday from 10 am - 1 pm. Sunday Family Pass represents a saving of $5 - $20 per person.

Click here to visit the San Francisco Maker Faire web site for links and information.

Source: MakerFaire.com

San Francisco Maker Faire

Maker Faire

The annual Maker Faire returns to the San Mateo County Event Center on May 17 & 18, 2014 .  We describe the Maker Faire as tow days of “I made this.  This is how you can too!”, combined with “What would you like to make/create/build today?”.   This translates into 120,000 attendees enjoying exhibits and demos presented on 7 stages, 900 maker exhibits, workshops and presentations.

The DIY (Do It Yourself) movement is growing and the Maker Faire celebrates not only the makers but the culture of tinkers, hobbyists, science clubs, and crafters coming together to show what they have created and sharing what they have learned.  Encouraging all areas of the DIY spectrum, the Maker Faire encompasses makers of all ages and themes, from food to engineering and art to science.

Family activities include everything.  Literally.  But here are a few suggestions.  

Game of the Drones -  Test your skills with the Aerial Action Sports League.

ArcAttack - Creators of the original Singing Tesla Coils, the crew of ArcAttack uses their high tech wizardry to generate a truly 'electrifying' live music performance.  And yes if you view the photos, that is a person in the cage.  

Angry Battleships II - Battle Pond Axis vs Allies combat all day, Saturday and Sunday, with plenty of hands-on audience participation during and between battles. Fun for kids of all ages!

Coke Zero & Mentos Fountains - See the original Internet sensation LIVE! Geysers of soda shoot over twenty feet into the air in this spectacular mint-powered version of the Bellagio Fountains.  Strangely enough the Cokes are not cold, but you may be lucky to get one afterwards.

An Electric Giraffe - Come see and ‘pet’ one at the Maker Faire.

Before you go visit the Maker Faire site to view the complete programming schedule, downloading their app  and options for getting to the Maker Faire.   Click here to view the programs for Kids & Family, For Kids under 5 years, Young Makers or  Browse by Topic.  Make a day of it by riding your bike from downtown San Jose or Dolores Park in San Francisco, combine Rail and Bike or driving and walking.  

While the San Mateo Maker Faire is one of the flagship faires, there are several mini Maker Faires scheduled in and about the San Francisco Bay area in the upcoming months including Mendocino County Mini Maker Faire later this month, and the Greenbrae Mini Maker Faire in September.  

Young Makers can find fellow tinkerers at the Young Maker clubs throughout the Bay area and the US. The Bay area has been busy this year with events taking place at the three Bay area hubs, the Tech Museum in San Jose, the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley and the Bay School in San Francisco. These events which occurred beginning in January coved such themes as nano tech, flight, music, ideation and sketching and fabrication.  For more information about Young Makes or to find a club in your area, visit YoungMakers.org.  Their scheduled meetings for 2014 are done, but you should sign up for their mailing list to be notified when activities are scheduled.

Maker Camp 2014,  a free, virtual DIY camp for teens exclusively using the Google+ social media platform, is now  accepting applications.  The camp which is virtual is scheduled for July 7 - Aug 15, 2014.

Update 4/15/2014