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TOTEM by Cirque du Soleil  - A Mom’s Review

In describing Cirque du Soleil’s TOTEM, I would simply say that TOTEM is the TOTAL package.  The performances were unique, the costumes and makeup were stunning, the music (which is performed live) was stirring and lilting, and the sets were incredible.  

Gotta Love the Clowns

Even with the power and strength of the acrobatics, it was the clowns and the technical artistry that stole the show.  When watching the clowns it was obvious where the story line was leading, but the journey was great fun anyway as one followed their antics from point A to B.  

As for the technical aspects, the set design and lighting rivaled that of the performers on stage. Without giving away too much information, it must be said that although I knew that I was looking at a stage, I still felt as if I was watching a speed boat racing in the water and I sure that you will too.

Parents with girls should keep an eye out for the female performers.  Usually performers wear costumes that cover most of their bodies, but that is not the case for several of the costumes used in TOTEM. My daughter and I used this time to discuss the strength and grace exhibited in the acrobatic moves by the female performers.  

Show Times and Length

The running time of the show is almost 3 hours (including a short intermission) so for parents with young children I highly recommend the afternoon matinees or early evening shows.  Ours was an evening performance beginning at 8 pm and not ending until almost 11 pm.   The area in the show tent is very small, which makes the performance very intimate, you do feel as if you can reach out and touch the performers, but it was also pleasantly warm  and more than a few parents were carrying their young children (fast asleep) from the tent.


Souvenirs at TOTEM will be easy on your pocket.  Besides the usual offerings of t-shirts, mugs and key chains, Cirque du Soleil also offers a selection of items from masks and circus themed toys to hand and finger puppets with a starting price of approximately $5.  I highly recommend the souvenir program for $15.  Within the program is listing of the cast members with before and after pictures showing them as themselves (regular) and as their TOTEM character.   Great examples of face painting and make up.  Each cast member is responsible for applying their own make up for the performances. If you miss something at the show or want to grab a special present, you can find a selection of items at the Cirque du Soleil boutique.

Tickets & Discounts

Ticket prices range from $28.50 - $360 but discounts are available for Family 4 Packs and other special deals.  Group discounts available for groups of 12 or more.  More discounts can be found on our Cirque du Soleil TOTEM page.  TOTEM is appropriate for all ages.  Cirque du Soleil TOTEM has extended its run in San Jose to April 15, 2012 making it perfect for spring break vacation.

Preview TOTEM by Cirque du Soleil