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How To Enter Events on Celebrate-Family.com Event Calendar

Sharing your event on the Celebrate-Family.com event calendar is quick and easy.  Here’s how.

Location Information: Make sure you have the complete address (including zip code) of the location for your event.

Event Title: List your event title.  This pattern is easiest EVENT TITLE @ LOCATION NAME (CITY NAME) $MIN COST - $MAX COST

Event Description: Approximately 50 - 75 words.  If you are copying the description text from another source, then we suggest copying the text from the source to NotePad and then from NotePad to event description pane.  Feel free to separate your information with paragraphs and to add links.  If there is an admission charge, this is a good place to include the information again.

Event Date: Complete the information requested.

Event Recurrence Information: If the event re-occurs, complete the information requested.

Event Registration: Skip

Event Settings:

Location Information: Try our search feature first.  Enter at least four letters of the name of the location.  If the location is not in our database already, then just enter the information.

Event Contact Info:  Include your name and email address.  Include the URL for the web site for the event.  We verify each event before it is posted to Celebrate-Family.

Questions?  Send us an  email to events@celebrate-family.com.

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